Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Bengal Cats: 4 Interesting Things You Should Know

By Robin Setser

The Bengal cat, often identified by its spotted exterior, is nothing short of popular among feline enthusiasts. Many people adore it because of its innate charm, while others regard it because of its athleticism. Whatever the case may be, it's important to note the more intriguing qualities about Bengal cats that the average person may not know. Here are just 4 that, by the end of this piece, will have you wanting to learn even more.

Agility is one of the most prominent aspects of Bengal cats in general. For example, did you know that this particular cat breed isn't against going for walks like a dog? You should also know that if you have toys that can be easily thrown, fetch is viable, whether inside the house or outdoors. These are just a few ways that Bengals show their agility, but companies like Assisi Animal Health will tell you that it's easier to learn by owning this cat for yourself.

The development of the original Bengal cats is interesting, as they were crossed between Asian Leopard cats and domestic felines. Many names were behind said development, Jean Sugden Mill being one of the more notable examples. Mill's goal was to create a feline that would look similar to a wildcat, mainly so that those who supported the fur trade would be less likely to purchase furs. In theory, if the furs looked like their pets', people wouldn't invest in them. This is an interesting fact that many people aren't aware of.

Like dogs, Bengal cats are capable of learning tricks, some of which are easier to teach than others. "Fetch" is a great place to begin, as it's one of the simpler tricks that require less time to sink in. From there, you will be able to teach other tricks that, provided your Bengal is attentive, will be able to pick up on in due time. What this means is that, as a pet owner, you will be able to get more hours of playtime.

Unlike other cats, Bengals love the water. As a matter of fact, if you see one of these felines eagerly jump into a full bathtub, understand that this isn't far-fetched. As a matter of fact, they may jump into large bodies of water without being instructed to do so. Given the fact that cats are associated with the hatred of water, it's interesting to see just how well Bengals take to it. This is another interesting fact to be aware of.

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