Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Why Everyone Should Be Involved In Saving The Environment

By Joshua Rogers

Progress sometimes will make humans pay for it. Economic activity intensifies as the population grows and technology advances. Consumer product demand soars making business capacities expand to meet the rising demands. It definitely is in the urban areas where most of this happens and the by product is waste. Lots of it. This can only be negated with by hazardous materials management new York.

In recent decades several studies and experiments have been conducted on the adverse effects of hazardous waste on human populations and the environment. Hazardous waste is defined as unwanted materials with physical and chemical properties that includes corrosiveness, toxicity, flammability, and other characteristics that are harmful to life and property.

Ironically the biggest taxpayers are also the biggest producers of dangerous and unwanted garbage. Such industries like petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, synthetics, plastic, and nuclear energy production are but a few examples of industries that spew hazardous waste materials at an alarming rate. These are companies that extensively use chemicals.

A microcosm of this problem is very visible in developing countries where dangerous refuse is not properly managed and documented. Left unchecked by governments which are either incompetent or corrupt, this will have a severe negative impact on the surroundings. Economic endeavors are mainly responsible for this as emerging markets are hastened their industrial development.

Dealing with unwanted and discarded materials poses a huge challenge to governments and businesses around the world. Large quantities of these materials are generated every day and managing these is not an easy task when talking about industrial solvents, sludge, and chemicals produced by gas and oil exploration and other industries that rely heavily on chemicals.

The largest producer of hazardous wastes are the first world countries. Europe and the Americas are the most industrialized nations. They eat up most of the resources on the planet and generate wastes like no other country. China, which is an emerging economy is also fast becoming one. The bulk of hazardous garbage is by products of industry.

Scientific research and studies have indicated that the key to managing this global problem is involvement. This is all encompassing in nature meaning all stakeholders like families, industries including the waste producers, governments, and the human population in general. These have a very impactful role in coming up with or improve systems by investing in effective management systems.

The world has been witness to great tragedies brought about by natural calamities that compromised nuclear facilities. The recent tsunami that hit Japan almost caused a nuclear disaster though could have potential erased a city. We have borne witness to the nuclear meltdown in Chernobyl which literally has made the place unlivable, it has become a ghost city.

In recent past, it has been a practice of unscrupulous corporations to dump their waste into third world countries. This has caused some uproar among these poor nations. A very recent example was the incident whereby a Canadian company was caught red handed dumping medical waste in the Philippines. It also is uncanny why first world countries impose sanctions on poor nations for the ecological mess that they masterminded.

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