Tuesday, December 11, 2018

IEP Help For Parents In Managing The Process

By Amy Ward

If you have a child with learning disabilities, getting him the individualized education program that best suits his needs and situation can be very challenging. It's not unusual for parents to feel frustrated and isolated when dealing with academics and bureaucracy. The good news is that there is IEP help for parents in the form of others who have dealt with school systems and are willing to share what they have learned.

These individuals advise others to arm themselves with as much data as they can when it comes to the matter of their children's rights. This is more important than almost anything else. You can find information online, from library books, and by joining support groups both online and locally. Talking to other parents who are going through some of the same challenges you face every day is empowering.

You should ask for a copy of the IEP before you go into a meeting. This will give you time to read over it and give a copy to any professional, like a doctor, a lawyer, an advocate, or a neurologist, to look over and comment on. When you attend your meeting you will be in a position to ask intelligent questions and offer constructive comments regarding the contents of the report. You should also have a copy of your youngster's evaluation before a meeting so you have time to discuss it with independent professionals.

Parents don't have to sign off on the report during the meeting. They have the right to read and digest the information before they sign. Experienced parents say changes are often made in the meeting that require time to study. It is fairly common to find factual errors, incorrect listings and omissions.

You can always return it, after you've signed it, and once you feel comfortable the report is factual. Returning the documents by certified mail is suggested by those in the know. This is the best way to be sure the school got the paperwork. You will have the signature of the person who accepted it.

You also have the right to bring a professional with you to a meeting or to introduce a letter from a professional into the meeting records. A lot of times bringing a professional is helpful because they speak the same language as the school administrators. They may be able to get a point across better than you could have.

It is acceptable to bring a tape recorder to the meeting. Most administrators and teachers don't object, especially when you let them know in advance. Tape recording is a better idea than note taking. With the recorder on, you can focus all your attention on what is being said.

Meeting with the teacher at the beginning of the year is important. You should bring a copy of the report because a lot of teachers won't see it otherwise. You can also request an IEP meeting whenever you are concerned that your child's need aren't being met.

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